Privacy Policy are totally committed to protecting the privacy of our site visitors and customers. The Yours Clothing team members are customers themselves of other Internet sites and fully appreciate and respect the importance of privacy on the Internet. We will not disclose information about our customers to third parties except where it is a necessary part of providing a service to you - e.g. arranging for a product to be sent to you.

Your Consent

We will not rent or sell your name, address, email address, credit card information or personal information to any third party (excluding partners from whom you may have linked to our site) without your permission. If you have purchased from our store, subscribed to one of our newsletters and entered any of our competitions, or advised us of your email address, postal address & telephone number we may occasionally update you on news and special opportunities via email, post & telephone.

Checking Your Details

If you wish to verify the details you have submitted to you may do so by contacting us via the email address, telephone number or address given below. Our security procedures mean that we may request proof of identity before we reveal information. This proof of identity will take the form of your email address and password submitted upon registration. We would strongly recommend that you do not use the browser's password memory function as that would permit other people using your terminal to access your personal information - write it down and keep it somewhere safe.

Contacting Us

We are always pleased to hear from our customers (even if it is a complaint!). We are always grateful for any time you spend providing us with the knowledge we need to ensure our customers are completely satisfied - we want you to return to the site and to recommend us to your friends and family. If you have any questions or feedback about this statement please do not hesitate to contact a customer service representative of the team, who will be delighted to answer any questions you may have.

You can contact customer service via email - Please use our contact form.

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